Senin, 28 Januari 2013

Surat Habibie untuk Ainun

Thank you God,
YOU have given birth to me for Ainun and Ainun for me,
Thank you God,
YOU have made me meet with Ainun and Ainun with me,
Thank you God,
that on May 12, 1962, YOU married me to Ainun and Ainun to me

YOU put in trust with us the seeds of pure, genuine, holy, perfect and eternal Love
Throughout the passing of the time we poured what YOU entrusted to us with tender affection, tender love, values of Faith, piety and culture. presently, 48 years later, the seeds of Love become the most beautiful, perfect, and eternal Love.

Ainun and i sheltered by this love which YOU possess have been solderes and become fused throughout the length of time.
fused in soul, heart, inner force, breath and everything which is determining in life.

Thank You God
for making us fused because of eternal love which is holy and perfect uphold and mantain our fusion throughout the length of time
Give us the strength to overcome all problems we now and still will face forgive our sins and protect us from all devilement of our eternal love.

B.J. Habibie

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